Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Photo Album

Page #2

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image of capsized Oklahoma

Pearl Harbor - December 7, 1941
The U.S.S. Oklahoma. Rescue efforts by teams who climbed onto the capsized hull of the U.S.S.Oklahoma working to free men trapped inside. Thirty-one men were ultimately freed while a total of 415 men perished.
Official Navy Photograph# N-3074

image of drydock #1

Pearl Harbor - December 7, 1941
The severly damaged destroyers Cassin and Downes are in front of the battleship Pennsylvania in Drydock #1 The hulls of the two destroyers were eventually scrapped and new hulls were built and renamed for these two ships.
Official Navy Photograph# N-3085

image of Arizona awash

Pearl Harbor - December 7, 1941
The U.S.S. Arizona on the morning of December 9 with her main decks awash. Entombed forever are the bodies of approximately 900 of her crew.
Official Navy Photograph# N-3098

image of antiaircraft position

Pearl Harbor - December 7, 1941
Improvised antiaircraft position in a bomb crater on NAS Kaneohe Bay. The weapons are .30-cal machine guns.
Official Navy Photograph# B-23602

Descrpitive information is compiled
from the following sources:
The Attack on Pearl Harbor - A Pictorial History
by Stan Cohen
Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, Inc.
Pearl Harbor - And the War in the Pacific
by Salamander Books Ltd.
Pearl Harbor - America's Darkest Day
by Susan Wels
Time-Life Books

Photographs shown on this page are from a collection of Official Navy Pearl Harbor photographs on loan from Jackson Barracks Military Library, Louisiana National Guard, New Orleans, Louisiana.


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Updated on 25 February...1407:05 CST